Got it working!!!

Apparently when installing with the GPT/EFI bootloader, there are issues on that model of Mac when booting Linux. The key to unraveling the mystery was in dmesg, which said something about an error copying the vbios to RAM. When I install in MBR/BIOS mode, it works great!!

It took me about a week of sleuthing, but patience, persistence, and perseverance pays!

I didn't even realize I could boot that old MAChine in BIOS Mode without dual-booting. Now, I just need to get a battery or two that work. I wonder how much has changed with Kismet in the last 15 years or so? The last time I went wardriving, the only WiFi protocol was B, however G was just about to be released. Now, there is A, B, G, N150, N300, N600, AC1200.

Last time, there was WEP and WPA, now there is WPA, WPA2, and WPA3 has apparently been released.