I'm 'newish' to this - I've briefly looked @ Backtrack, but never got around to doing anything with it.
So, the point of this thread is to ask you users of Kali whether it would be able to achieve what I am looking at doing with it.

Basically, I am running Win 7, so would either run Kali in a VM or on a liveCD or USB. Do any of these have their advantages?
Once up and running, I have 3 things in my head that I would like to achieve.

The first, having the ability to strip SSL data. Some software tries to connect to a remote server in which then activates the software. I would like to be able to run something like a MiTM attack to read the SSL traffic, and have the ability to pick out certain requests and replies that I can modify so the software thinks the server sends a message saying "activate!". So would the tools within Kali be able to do this? The software would need to run and be installed in a Windows environment though. If so what programs in Kali would I need to look @ learning for this task?

Secondly, have the ability to sit on a network, and sniff a users traffic and pick out passwords and usernames. I am on a small network of a few PCs, iPhones and Androids, so I would like to be able to monitor the traffic from those devices. Are their tools in Kali that would be able to say strip the username & pass from a facebook app running on an iPhone? If Kali can do this, then like above, what programs would I need to look @ learning?

Finally, I'm pretty sure Kali would be able to do this, and that is find WiFi networks passkeys therefore having access to their LAN. Either WEP, WPA or others. Same as above, if Kali would do the trick, then what programs should I learn to use?

A long post, but hopefully some of you lot can shine some light on my situation and give me some useful pointers