While attempting to upgrade my adobe flash player version numerous things went wrong
Ill spare the details on that part, here's where Im at atm.
Botched flash upgrade left iceweasel broken. When I try to open Iceweasel nothing happens. I also tried "iceweasel" at the terminal and recieved "Segmentation Fault".
I then decided this would be a good oppurtunity to re-install iceweasel and also grab firefox. (Im in need of seperate browsers)
After "apt-get remove iceweasel" things started to go wrong
Upon reboot ive discovered the following:

my Network manager icon (top right of screen in gdm3) is gone, and my int. wifi keeps turning itself off. It will come back w/ "ifconfig wlan0 up" but not for long.
Lots of panel icons are missing, font also looks different.
attempt to manually connect to my modem and apt-get update / apt-get install iceweasel, it gets to 34% of the update and freezes then wlan0 goes down.

Decide to logout/reboot once more, and now I get this:
The splash login screen is gone, leaving me at a command prompt warning me about unauthorized access.
My login/pass still work,but when i log in it warns me about unauth access again
"startx" / "gdm3" will not start the window manager.

What have I done?! seems like iceweasel has lots of system dependencies, should it not be removed at all?
Any suggestions on where to start fixing this?
In the meantime I plan on connecting via ethernet and hopefully install iceweasel w/everything it removed. Any input is appreciated