Heya Guys & Gals,

I am trying to connect by wireless to my test AP using the command line.

Now that last time I even mucked around with command line connections was in BT4 I think,
however I think I must be suffering from severe lapse in memory as nothing I do seems to work..

I was trying to get wpa_supplicant to connect from command line using same methods as I did in BT4
but that failed miserably.
When trying with wpa_supplicant, I tried different drivers, killing all other wpa_supplicant instances
stopping/starting networking & NetworkManager. No joy.

So then tried to do a simple connect to test AP without encryption, thinking that connection to an
OPN network from command line should be easy (which it should) but failing miserably at that too..

Now I could go through each trialed failure individually, however I would first like to know whether someone
has already connected purely through command line (either WPA/WPA2/WEP/OPN) and what steps
were taken prior to getting the connection.

By the way I am running Kali with latest updates/upgrades, on a VM (using VBox) with a WUSB54GC adapter.

There is no problem with making any connections with NetworkManager, but I am working on a script
and I would like the option to connect within the script, hence my query..

Thanks in advance to whoever takes the time to answer !