Hi everyone!
I recently hooked up my Ralink rt3070 (but detected as rt2870/3070, I don't truly know what to think, link to wifi-card), but when using my freshly installed Kali 1.0.6 i386, I am not able to inject packages to neither of my two experimenting WEP-routers; both do not have anything annoying turned on as MAC-filter or such things. When I tested injection using [aireplay --test wlan1] (>on a laptop), I first got injection working on all routers in the neighbourhood, but not mine. Both routers just report:
18:13:13  Waiting for beacon frame (BSSID: 94:44:52:50:B6:6E) on channel 6
18:13:13  Trying broadcast probe requests...
18:13:15  No Answer...
18:13:15  Found 1 AP 

18:13:15  Trying directed probe requests...
18:13:15  94:44:52:50:B6:6E - channel: 6 - 'teddy'
18:13:21   0/30:   0%
With the "modprobe" suggested in this post (other steps do not trigger a response, for instance blacklist-file doesn't exist when opening with nano), I got my accespoint to react when using "aireplay-ng -1 0 -e ESSID -a BSSID -h MAC wlan1", although I constantly received deauthentication packets, it was more than it was before.

Do you have any tips? It is getting kinda frustrating:/

P.S. I have mainly used the aircrack-ng.org manuals.
P.S.2: It might be worth saying that the wifi-adapter is detected and working in Kali, i.e. I can connect to my home-network and browse the internet without problems. Airodump works, only it goes really slow (without injection 300 ivs after 2 hours).