Hello members of the Kali forums, I've been using Kali for a couple days now and I'm slowly getting used to it (Determined to learn cracking/hacking)
I'm a Windows Warrior and have found a few noobie problems when using Kali.
I've managed to get some things working but I'm unable to get Firefox to work!!!!!

Putting this aside!
I can't use dual monitors!
Both of my monitors are displaying the exact same screen!
I go to the settings, it only shows 1 monitor and even that's 'Unknown' I'm unable to rotate the screen, change resolution or detect screens!
For those of you that want to know, I'm rocking two LG 23EA63's one via VGA and the other through HDMI
They have been working amazingly on Windows but I'd love to use them on here!

Any help would be great!
Remember, I'm a noob! Please use words that I will understand haha

Thank you