Well how to explain this is gonna prove a challage.
See I bought 2 cruzer blade 68gb usb sticks yesterday... them being meant to carry Kali Linux, hence why I'm here in the forum.
I got the Os iso over to the USB (only one mind you) via UII. And it all worked wonderous. with the Live boot.
Though I wasent happy with live booting so I thought I'd install the system onto the second usb. I began installing and the installasion was a sucess and then the system asked me about grub loader.
It told me I could have it ask me if I want to boot up my windows 7 or kali linux at start up.... I thought it was an amazing idea and thus installed it. the system worked at first.... and I began installing updates.... and said I had to reboot my system... so I did. But this time around Grub gave me a different response this time around then to give me multiple choises as it had 1 time before.
This time it goes like this: Grub loading and it welcomed me to Grub.... but then it gave me an error message telling me "error: no such device: X" and went into grub rescue mode.
I tried again and again... but it wouldent show me the old screen of choosing my list of OS I had. I tried to remove the USBs and boot my system without them... but I'm welcomed to the damned Grub Screen with the very same Error.
so now I'm running my computer via the usb with the live option. and it wont remember any changes I've ever done, that is an annoyance by itself.

so my question would be on how I may delete grub.... or even better make it work. Just remember...I'm running Kali Live now and nothing else I'm afraid.

Please help me.