Im used to linux to begin with. I know how kali works - At least I thought.
Got the latest kali armel image for RPI. Extracted it and use win32 imager to put that sucker on on a 16 gig SD card.
It boots just fine. I ssh into it. Change password and reconfigure the SSH keys. I do the apt-get update && apt-get upgrade.
It updates but i get no tools such as wash.
Ok.. No problem. apt-get install kali-linux should do it right ?
No dice. Still no wash nor any reaver.
Airodump-ng is there though.

I cant even apt-get install wash as there are no package by that name.. dafug ? the sources.list does have the kali repo but.. No tools ??
What am I doing wrong ? Im only interessed in using it headless so i use it by SSH to it. I got it wired to my network and a TP-Link with external antenna to use.

What am I doing wrong since i cant even install the tools i need ? It cant seem to find any packages by the name wash.
And how do i get it to keep working when i disconnect from putty ? I need it to keep going even while im logged off.