Thinking to install Aircrack-ng 1.2 rc2

We began getting e-mails for help with scripts like linset and programs using airmon-ng text output so we installed the newer version and tried it. A Big Mistake!!!

Before you type apt-get install aircrack-ng pause and consider the following!!!!

We installed the newer version and because of airmon-ng problems we had to spend time ripping it out. We could only make one(1) monitor against the wifi device so the program was a step backwards and too limiting. Furthermore the newer airmon-ng text output is different from the older airmon-ng and airmon-zc which then killed many many programs that will all have to be rewritten. We doubt most scripts calling up airmon-ng will run if you install the newer version.

We suggest you avoid this version until you have no other choice.

If you already installed the program and want to revert to the older version.

Go to the main aircrack-ng downloads and download the previous version. Then go here and follow their advice. You have to rewrite one single line in a file and the reinstall went fine.

We may do some tests trying to replace the newer airmon-ng with the older one after installing the newer Aircrack-ng 1.2 rc2 Will advise
