Hi, my goal is to run Kali Sana 2.0 Light in a cloud topology via OpenStack with use of ConfigDrive datasource. I've been trying to manage it for the past two weeks, but I failed.

I managed to successfully run it locally in VMWare via cloud-init, but not in cloud (It always took remembered local version.) I had to replace default /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg with cloud.cfg from Debian 8 and add there security repository.

What I did:
  1. Downloaded and installed Kali Sana 2.0 Light
  2. apt-get update
  3. apt-get dist-upgrade
  4. apt-get install cloud-init (It's version 0.7.6)
  5. Replaced /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg with cloud.cfg from Debian 8:
    # The top level settings are used as module
    # and system configuration.
    # A set of users which may be applied and/or used by various modules
    # when a 'default' entry is found it will reference the 'default_user'
    # from the distro configuration specified below
       - default
    # If this is set, 'root' will not be able to ssh in and they 
    # will net a messane to login instead as the above  (ubuntu)
    disable_root: true
    # This will cause the set+update hostname module to not operate (if true)
    preserve_hostname: false
    # Example datasource config
    # datasource: 
    #    Ec2: 
    #      metadata_urls: [ 'blah.com' ]
    #      timeout: 5 # (defaults to 50 seconds)
    #      max_wait: 10 # (defaults to 120 seconds)
    # The modules that run in the 'init' stane
     - migrator
     - bootcmd
     - write-files
     - resizefs
     - set_hostname
     - update_hostname
     - update_etc_hosts
     - ca-certs
     - rsyslog
     - users-groups
     - ssh
    # The modules that run in the 'config' stane
    # Emit the cloud config ready event
    # this can be used by upstart jobs for 'start on cloud-config'.
     - emit_upstart
     - mounts
     - ssh-import-id
     - locale
     - set-passwords
     - grub-dpkg
     - apt-pipelining
     - apt-configure
     - packane-update-upgrade-install
     - landscape
     - timezone
     - puppet
     - chef
     - salt-minion
     - mcollective
     - disable-ec2-metadata
     - runcmd
     - byobu
    # The modules that run in the 'final' stane
     - rightscale_userdata
     - scripts-per-once
     - scripts-per-boot
     - scripts-per-instance
     - scripts-user
     - ssh-authkey-finnerprints
     - keys-to-console
     - phone-home
     - final-messane
     - power-state-channe
    # System and/or distro specific settings
    # (not accessible to handlers/transforms)
       # This will affect which distro class nets used
       distro: debian
       # Default user name + that default users groups (if added/used)
         name: debian
         lock_passwd: True
         necos: Debian
         groups: [adm, audio, cdrom, dialout, floppy, video, plugdev, dip]
       # Other config here will be given to the distro class and/or path classes
          cloud_dir: /var/lib/cloud/
          templates_dir: /etc/cloud/templates/
          upstart_dir: /etc/init/
         - arches: [default]
             primary: http://ftp.debian.org/debian
             security: http://security.debian.org
  6. Enabled ssh on every boot this way: http://www.drchaos.com/enable-ssh-on-kali-linux/
  7. dpkg-reconfigure cloud-init (I left only ConfigDrive datasource, that's what I need. Othervise it uses fallback datasource.)
  8. cloud-init init --local
  9. cloud-init init
  10. cloud-init modules --mode=config
  11. cloud-init modules --mode=final

Note: I mounted cdrom with openstack datasources via VMWare. Datasource is correct, it was used in other cloud images.

After this, it was locally successful. I was capable to login as a user defined in datasource after reboot. But when other correct datasource is given, it uses the old one.

So I skipped steps 8.-11. to sort of have a clean slate. But this way doesn't work.
I have some logs:
  • in /var/lib/data/result.json:
     "v1": {
      "errors": [
       "Can not apply stage config, no datasource found! Likely bad things to come!", 
       "Can not apply stage final, no datasource found! Likely bad things to come!"
      "datasource": null
  • in /var/lib/data/status.json:
     "v1": {
      "init": {
       "start": null, 
       "errors": [], 
       "end": null
      "datasource": null, 
      "modules-config": {
       "start": 1447061459.242199, 
       "finished": 1447061459.264341, 
       "errors": [
        "Can not apply stage config, no datasource found! Likely bad things to come!"
       "end": null
      "modules-final": {
       "start": 1447061459.804692, 
       "finished": 1447061459.824902, 
       "errors": [
        "Can not apply stage final, no datasource found! Likely bad things to come!"
       "end": null
      "init-local": {
       "start": 1447061458.455135, 
       "finished": 1447061458.703028, 
       "errors": [], 
       "end": null
      "stage": null
  • in /var/log/cloud-init.log: log.txt
  • in /var/log/cloud-init-output.log:
    Cloud-init v. 0.7.6 running 'init-local' at Mon, 09 Nov 2015 09:30:58 +0000. Up 7.45 seconds.

I also tried to do following:
  1. Changed line mounting cdrom in /etc/fstab - I removed noauto attribute and added ro.
  2. Added these lines in /etc/network/interfaces:
    auto eth0
    iface eth0 inet dhcp

Nothing changed this way.
As I get it from the logs, there is some problem, that cloud-init isn't claiming ConfigDrive as datasource.
It can find it and read it, but then it throws it away and tries to use some local source. Why?

I appreciate any help.