I'm running a HDD install of Kali 2.0 amd64 (downloaded and installed this week). This is on an old HP Pavilion dv2000 with an AMD Turion 64 X2 processor and an NVIDIA GeForce Go 6150 graphics card. I have WinXP on another partition, and boot through GRUB 2.0.2. Everything was working fine until I attempted to install the NVIDIA drivers according to instructions posted on the Kali website: /05. Using Kali Linux /Install NVIDIA Drivers on Kali.

Now when I try to boot, I end up with a blank white screen stating "Oh no! Something has gone wrong. A problem has occurred and the system can't recover. Please log out and try again." This occurs immediate following a DOS (I believe?) screen listing the Kali version, and a line stating "computername Login: _" with a blinking cursor. Then it briefly displays a flash of weird graphics stuff and crashes to the white screen. When I press enter/spcae, the screen goes black and I have to reboot manually. When I press the power button, the screen briefly displays some lines of text as if Kali were running its regular shut-down sequence. There doesn't appear to be any other specific error information.

Here are the exact commands I entered before encountering this problem, taken verbatim from the previously-linked tutorial:

apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
apt-get install -y linux-headers-$(uname -r)
apt-get install nvidia-kernel-dkms

sed 's/quiet/quiet nouveau.modeset=0/g' -i /etc/default/grub
After calling the NVIDIA kernel install command, I did receive an error screen. This is what I wrote down at the time, not a verbatim quotation of the error:

Manual config of NVIDIA required
- needs to be enabled in xorg.conf before it can be used
configuring xerver-xorg-video-nvidia

At the time I assumed that if it didn't work I'd be able to fix it after reboot, but that obviously hasn't been the case.

Any searches I've conducted all involve running shell commands, and I can't even get to that. I haven't found anyone else with NVIDIA install issues getting this error screen. I've even looked for ways to boot Kali into console mode, but these also appear to require running BASH commands in the shell.

I have made attempts to re-enable Nouveau at launch via the Grub console according to this tutorial: http://community.linuxmint.com/tutorial/view/842
Everything thus far has had zero effect (erasing nouveau.modeset entirely, replacing it with nvidia.modeset, nomodeset, grub_gfxmode=1280x1024x24)

My next stab would be to attempt deleting or altering the xorg.conf file (which I believe is somewhere in /etc/?) using a live boot from DVD. However, I thought it might be best to get some input from people who know better than me before I go deleting or altering anything important.