Hey Guys! Greetings from germany

I bought a new laptop and ran into many problems.

First of all i wanted to Dualboot W10 and Kali Linux that i can decide in the boot which OS iam going to use.

i always start with Win10 and then i want to install Kali Linux. Not the other way like i have kali installed and then want to install win10.

I prepared a Kali Linux 2.0 Bootable USB-Stick.

First problem was that i couldnt boot from USB . I read that some some problems can be solved if you activate Legacy boot and disable secureboot.

In my szenario i disabled the secureboot and then i could start the Kali boot and installing.
After i finished the installation i got a problem something like "...thin ini.... .change" ( i cannot remember completly, but i was something with "thin" )

I restarted over and over but nothing changed.

Is there a possibility to REALLY create a dual boot system for Windows 10 and Linux ?
Like a tutorial which covering THESE PROBLEMS ? Or video? Or i dont know iam really clueless.
Also one question is about the SWAP partition. How much should it be ? I read some tings like 2*ram+1mb and stuff like that but that seems to be outdated.

F.e i saw many tutorials where s.o installed dualboot windows/linux and in the comments you find many problems, and also solvings, like i said earlier to disable secureboot.

I coming from windows 7 and its really frustrating with win10 now.
Maybe iam just unexperienced and a bit hard in understanding.

Hope you can help me :-(

Excuse for my english please.