Please tell me you figured this out. I burned the kali.iso to my USB from the Mac terminal as it says in the kali website tutorial and every time I get a frozen tiny boot menu at the top left hand corner. What id you do to fix this!
Quote Originally Posted by 4wk_ View Post
Hi guys. I just passed the entire day trying to install kali 2.0 on a Macbook Pro Retina 2015 (64 bits), bought yesterday. And I failed.
I'm kinda pissed off right now, and I don't know what to do. Any help would be appreciated.

I followed like 15 threads on different websites.
  • - First, I downloaded the ISO file from the official website (64 bits); following this tuto
  • - Checksum was OK
  • - I burned the ISO on a DVD, old school way
  • - I installed rEFInd on my MBP
  • - I plugged my external drive disk, and reboot, pressing OPTION
  • - I saw Macintosh HD and a CD icon, nammed EFI boot
  • - I didnt succeed to get anything else but a black screens, forcing me to hard reboot

  • - First, I downloaded ONE MORE TIME the ISO file from the official website (64 bits)
  • - Checksum was still OK
  • - I burned the ISO on a USB stick; following this tuto with Win32 Disk Imager
  • - I plugged my USB stick, and reboot, pressing OPTION
  • - I saw Macintosh HD and a USB icon, named EFI boot
  • - I didn't succeed to get anything else but a black screens, forcing me to hard reboot BUT SOMETIMES I got the little "very small freezing menu in the top left corner"

  • - I read this thread
  • - I burn another USB stick, putting Ubuntu on it, plugged both, boot, and so on. Same problem. But ubuntu was bootable and I could have installed it.
  • - I even tried to switch both USB stick, in case the first one with Kali wasnt working great; but same thing : Ubuntu bootable, not kali
  • - I also tried different versions of rEFInd, 0.8.3; 0.8.4; 0.9.0; and even with the --notesp option. Still the same

ONCE, I managed to get the very small menu in the top left corner AND it was not frozen ! I chose "Live", and managed somehow to got the Kali live version, and I succeeded in GParted-ing my computer. Yay !

But eversince, no matter hard I tried, even if sometimes I succeed to got the little menu NOT freezing, "Install" or "Graphic Install" both makes a black screen, froze, forcing me to hard reboot.
I'm tired, and I desperately need help. I'm an 28 years old IT guy by profession, and I can't understand why I'm stuck like that.

There seems to be some bugs on Kali 2.0 install, no ? What am I doing wrong ?

Thanks for reading, help me & I will cook you homemades cookies.
(sorry for my bad english)