Dear Kali Team

While I have searched the forum for an answer, I noticed lots of post about the Black Screen of Death. That is on boot.
But for some odd reason, I keep getting this Black Screen of Death on normal use after boot.

The screen turns out of the blue pure black and once, but once in a while I also see a dashed yellow line on the far left side.

Now I do believe this might have something to do with the fact I am using an Intel Graphics Driver on my Asus-5742Z laptop.
But I have no clue how to fix it as I cannot seem to find any fix for it, not on stack overflow or youtube.

So I wonder if this is a bug in Kali because I never had this issue before. Did have the black screen of death on boot, but that
I fixed with the VGA = fix

Sadly it is now so frequent that Kali the greatest distro ever, pretty much is totally useless ;(

Is this on the roadmap, is it not news to you or do anybody else have it, perhaps managed to fix it.
Please let me know

I do not want to change again back to other distros, but if it cannot be used it cannot be used.
Never had any similar issues in any other distros.

Take care guys, keep up the good work