Hi Forum,

This is my first post. In case i do not understand certain norms/protocols of asking in forums, pardon me.

Recently i had downloaded and installed kali 64bit OS versioned 2020[]dual boot with windows 10.1 in dell latitude. The setup completed successfully with some observations

1. unable to change bootable to YES
2. no option to setup root password[i later discovered this version does not give root user role]
3. user/ID defined during setup, but there was no option to assign admin/root access to the defined role.

After rebooting, kali boots in text mode instead of GUI mode. There is a firmware issue which is mentioned due to which the GUI does not load. The problem does not end there. The text mode begins tty1.

Since the user created during installation process does not have root permission, i am unable to run startx or any other update commands. Also, despite connecting the lan cable for providing internet access, there is not internet connectivity for kali. So, despite additional effort there is no scope to run update commands.

I am desperately seeking support. Request all folks to please picture my steps and shed some light so that i can begin my plans with kali.
