Hi all,
I'm new to this forum so apologies if my etiquette is not appropriate or my question is in the wrong area. I am new to using Kali and am trying to add a new user with admin privileges. I'm quite certain I did this wrong because when I cmd "whoami" the output is "root". This is what is displayed when logged in: root@kali:/home/examplename#

If this is a root account, does it replace the existing account (changed ) or just added another account with root privilege?

And yes, I am aware of the dangers with using root privileges. Believe me, after living with a personality disorder and surviving addiction, depression, and a suicide attempt, I am confident I'll treat this with respect. Cybersecurity is my second chance in life to do some good and help "everyday folks" from being exploited. I do take this seriously.

Any help is much appreciated and I look forward to connecting with people along the way. Take care.
