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Thread: Reinstall kali from live USB - issues with Grub bootloader on previous versions

  1. #1
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    Reinstall kali from live USB - issues with Grub bootloader on previous versions

    I recently (3 days ago)installed kali 2022.1, 64-bit installer package & I've had quite a few issues with the grub2 loader (I've got screenshots) on startup & taking me constantly to grub command line, then grub rescue & ive come to the conclusion (based on research), the grub2 bootloader is some how corrupted. I've gone through articles related to: grub command line, luks encryption, tried a number of possible grub command workarounds: set prefix=(hd0, 1) set root & more.

    Anyhow I've managed create a new live USB bootable & booted into kali live boot & I'm at the install screen, tried to do an install, next screen is blank, no command line.

    To avoid any further issues, I'd appreciate help with instructions as to which install menu option would be best to reinstall kali os onto the hard drive & ideally overwrite the previous corrupted installation. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
    Ps: if this is the wrong thread, let me know 😁
    Previous kali version: kali 2022.1
    Error messages: see screenshots please
    Tool: balena to create new bootable usb
    Problem: grub bootloader corrupted


    + **Kali iso in use:** / Kali live iso bootable usb

    + **Application used for flashing the iso:** / balena used to create new USB bootable

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Kali LIve ISO image is designed to be installed and run from a single USB drive, Kali Installer ISO is designed to be wriiten to a USB drive and then installed from there to an actual hard drive..

  3. #3
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    which file

    i am now trying to install live 64 bit and have no idea what file to have rufus and/or etcher put on the disk. Everywhere assumes I would know and I dont. The information I have found references a kali.iso file which does not exist in my downloads. I am desperate for help. I have been trying for 2 weeks to get this software to install and have failed art every turn.

  4. #4
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    If you want to run it from a USB stick, you download the 'Live' image ISO burn it too, and run it from, a USB driver. You CANNOT install Kali from this image only run it 'Live' hence the name...

    If you want to install it to a hard drive, your download the 'Installer' Image ISO and burn this to a USB and then when you boot from it, it has an option to run it live OR install Kali

    Etcher is fine to burn either ISO image to a USB stick, all images are on the same download page..

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