Quote Originally Posted by flyinghaggis View Post
I did get this to work in kali (cant remember how now as doing a rebuild) - but it is a bit quirky - it does not at this time save/restart a session it is solely used to trap the last 3 digits + checksum.

What that means I guess is that if you have the first 4 digits of the pin and reaver can't find the last then run the first 4 through ryreaver-reverse and see
if it will catch the last 4.

I contacted sethioz on the forum concerning the save/restart issue and he informed me that the guy who rewrote reaver for this eventuality is away for
several months on holiday, but hopefully, when he comes back he may be able to resolve the issues.

Thanks for the reply flyinghaggis, if you remember how you did manage to make it work in kali, let me know. It would be very appreciated.