FrankenScript doesn't mess with wifi adapters that were not used by it, it will only enable and disable monitor mode for the adaptor you selected.
FrankenScript uses the command "airmon-ng start/stop wlano" to enable/disable monitor mode, maybe its that process that causes you to lose connection.
I didn't have to unconnect from the AP and reconnect to surf before with previous version of FS. So something is not quite the same.
Does everything function correctly if you disconnect from your internet connection, then use airmon check kill option to automatically kill processes, then choose the auto mac address option, and then use the iw dev scan option?.
Scanning For All Available Networks, Please Wait...
command failed: Network is down (-100)
# [f] = Re-Scan - Full iw-dev Scan # [e] = Sort Scan By - ESSID #
# [w] = Re-Scan - Wash WPS Network Scan # [a] = Sort Scan By - Encryption #
# [d] = Re-Scan - Airodump Network Scan # [0] = Return To Main Menu #
# # [q] = Exit FrankenScript #
Please choose an option or input the number of a target:
Can you also try the following commands and post back the results please,
iw dev <your-wifi-adaptor> scan (Do not put your adaptor into monitor mode and do not kill any processes).
root@kali:~# iw dev wlan1 scan
TSF: 610435465047 usec (7d, 01:33:55)
freq: 2437
beacon interval: 100
capability: ESS Privacy ShortSlotTime (0x0411)
signal: -72.00 dBm
last seen: 664 ms ago
Information elements from Probe Response frame:
Supported rates: 1.0* 2.0* 5.5* 11.0* 9.0 18.0 36.0 54.0
...goes on forever. Snip. Let me know if you want to see the whole thing.
Then try:
iw dev <your-wifi-adaptor> scan (kill processes using airmon check kill and then enable monitor mode by using airmon-ng start <your-wifi-adaptor>).
root@kali:~# airmon-ng check kill
Found 2 processes that could cause trouble.
If airodump-ng, aireplay-ng or airtun-ng stops working after
a short period of time, you may want to kill (some of) them!
PID Name
22181 NetworkManager
22208 wpa_supplicant
Killing all those processes...
root@kali:~# airmon-ng check
root@kali:~# iw dev wlan1 scan
command failed: Network is down (-100)
Then try:
iw dev <your-wifi-adaptor> scan (enable monitor mode by using airmon-ng start <your-wifi-adaptor> and then kill processes using airmon check kill).
root@kali:~# airmon-ng start wlan1
Found 2 processes that could cause trouble.
If airodump-ng, aireplay-ng or airtun-ng stops working after
a short period of time, you may want to kill (some of) them!
PID Name
2695 NetworkManager
2789 wpa_supplicant
Interface Chipset Driver
wlan1 Atheros AR9271 ath9k - [phy1]
(monitor mode enabled on mon0)
wlan0 Intel 2230 iwlwifi - [phy0]
root@kali:~# airmon-ng check kill
Found 2 processes that could cause trouble.
If airodump-ng, aireplay-ng or airtun-ng stops working after
a short period of time, you may want to kill (some of) them!
PID Name
2695 NetworkManager
2789 wpa_supplicant
Killing all those processes...
root@kali:~# iw dev wlan1 scan
command failed: Network is down (-100)
Then try:
iw dev <your-wifi-adaptor> scan (enable monitor mode but do not kill processes).
root@kali:~# airmon-ng start wlan1
Found 2 processes that could cause trouble.
If airodump-ng, aireplay-ng or airtun-ng stops working after
a short period of time, you may want to kill (some of) them!
PID Name
2671 NetworkManager
2766 wpa_supplicant
Interface Chipset Driver
wlan1 Atheros AR9271 ath9k - [phy1]
(monitor mode enabled on mon0)
wlan0 Intel 2230 iwlwifi - [phy0]
root@kali:~# iw dev wlan1 scan
TSF: 1479113425593 usec (17d, 02:51:53)
freq: 2412
beacon interval: 100
capability: ESS Privacy ShortSlotTime (0x0411)
signal: -87.00 dBm
last seen: 1256 ms ago
Information elements from Probe Response frame:
SSID: RXXxxxxxx
Supported rates: 1.0* 2.0* 5.5* 11.0* 18.0 24.0 36.0 54.0
DS Parameter set: channel 1
ERP: Barker_Preamble_Mode
Extended supported rates: 6.0 9.0 12.0 48.0
WPA: * Version: 1
* Group cipher: TKIP
* Pairwise ciphers: TKIP
* Authentication suites: PSK
* Capabilities: (0x0000)
TSF: 611533647295 usec (7d, 01:52:13)
freq: 2437
beacon interval: 100
capability: ESS Privacy ShortSlotTime (0x0411)
So simply put, when the Network Manager is ON and ENABLED, iw dev scan works.
When the Network Manager is OFF, then, iw dev scan doesn't work.
Let me know if you want me to test anything else...