I have 3 different USB interfaces
TP link WN722N
NetGear WG111v3
Same results on all three...
I can get monitor mode, packet injection test works..
Running Wifite - nothing... WEP attack everything fails
WPA deauth packet fails .. doesn't capture handshake even if i give it one.
WPS attach sits at 0/0 forever
Kismet - Nothing
tcpdump - Nothing
and so on.
I have gotten the mon0 channel -1 problem with aireplaypng I have tried to get around it
iwconfig mon0 channel 3 //forcing a channel
airplay will sort of work sometimes with the --ignore-negative-one
I can't edit the wifite.py to add --ignore-negative-one to the airplay command call
It's like nothing works.. I mean nothing.. What is going on? I can't tell if the OS is just too much in it's infancy to work correctly or there is something wrong with me...
Thoughts? I have been a long time user of all of these products and am really excited about NetHunter as soon as I can get anything to work.
Thanks in advance.
Nexus 7 2012 Wifi 4.4.4 with fresh install of nethunter