To provide internet connection thru an evil twin you have to have a wifi device in monitor mode to support airbase-ng and a second device wired or wireless connected to the internet. Under Kali2.0 there is no way to shut down individual wireless devices. They are either all on or all off. So you need to find a way to put the wifi device in monitor mode and still have internet access thru another device.

If you find a way certainly correct us here as we are listening

The airmon-ng check kill command kills network manager so you cannot use that. The:

service network-manager stop

turns network manager off so that will not work either.

You might try this but we have not tested it.

1. Stop Network Manager from using the device that supports airebase by altering the config file. There is a method in these threads for this, search for it.


For the device supporting airbase-ng

airmon-ng start wlan0
ifconfig wlan0mon down
iwconfig wlan0mon mode monitor
ifconfig wlan0mon0 up

As soon as we can find a way to load incron and the isc-dhcp-server into kali2.0 MTeams will turn and try and sort out PwnStar9.0 for use with kali2.0 as we use this alot.

Another solution is to go back to kali1.10a which works just fine thankyou.
