Thanks for the answer.
yeah my computer seems to have big problem with everythingXD
i think i reinstall kali like once in the month just couse i **** up something on itXD
Thats the way i learn
this kali i have installed now is just 2 days old so cant have messed it up so much, and even on the live iso the script doesent work.
the lines you ask about is those.
cat < airmon01.txt | awk -F' ' '{ if(($1 != "Interface")) {print $1}}' > airmon02.txt
cat < airmon02.txt | awk -F' ' '{ if(($1 != "")) {print $1}}' > airmon03.txt
AIRMONNAME=$(cat airmon03.txt | nl -ba -w 1 -s ': ')
btw, my computer is a "msi gt70 onc"
well i dont know if you should bother yourself with doing something right now for just me, maby wait until the release of kali 2.0
i gona try that out and e if it works bether
many thanks
EDIT: I dont know if you count the space between the lines for a line:P but i post some moore lines if you dont
cat < airmon01.txt | awk -F' ' '{ if(($1 != "Interface")) {print $1}}' > airmon02.txt
cat < airmon02.txt | awk -F' ' '{ if(($1 != "")) {print $1}}' > airmon03.txt
AIRMONNAME=$(cat airmon03.txt | nl -ba -w 1 -s ': ')
if [ $airmontype != Interface ]; then
echo -e "$txtrst"
airmon-old_fn | tee airmon01.txt
cat < airmon01.txt | awk -F' ' '{ if(($2 != "Interface")) {print $2}}' > airmon02.txt
cat < airmon02.txt | awk -F' ' '{ if(($1 != "")) {print $2}}' > airmon03.txt
AIRMONNAME=$(cat airmon03.txt | nl -ba -w 1 -s ': ')