Quote Originally Posted by mrflash View Post
Can you specify what options you used with mdk3 so I can try the same test on my adapter?
as far as i remember, it was the auth flood attack, which it looks like is the same one you used in the below example.

Quote Originally Posted by mrflash View Post
I measured my power consummation at the 230v side (so not to accurate) but I notice that when changing txpower from 0 up to 23 I could see and increase in power usage.
However going higher that 23 did not give and power increase so it kind of looks like that 23dbm is max on my card atm.
Will try to do same test again when I get my usb measuring device.
For testing I used "mdk3 mon0 a -a <mac>" (my own wifi mac)
txpower 0 gave 2.2w
txpower 20 gave 3.2w
txpower 23 gave 3.6w
txpower 26 gave 3.6w
txpower 27 gave 3.6w
txpower 30 gave 3.6w
That sounds like you may be going through a usb HUB, and the overhead of the hub itself will skew the results.

I'm curious about the results with that little device, i've been tempted to get one of those myself.