Pixie Dust Data Types and successful WPS pin extraction.

There are(2) two types of Pixie Dust Data Sequences:

When --dh-small is used in the reaver command line the -PKR sequence is fixed and not variable.

When --dh-small is not use the -PKR variable constantly changes.

Musket Teams have come across routers where --dh-small sequences did not provide the WPS Key while the same reaver command line without the --dh-small in the command line thus -PKR was variable, provided data that DID extract the WPS Key.

MTeams suggest that if you run a --dh-small attack and do not acquire the WPS key from the data, remove the --dh-small from the reaver command line, collect some more Pixie Dust data sequences with a variable -PKR and try again.

MTeams Labs