To BadFollower
Could you expand a bit - what is freezed. Is the router freezing, one of the Eterm pags freezing? or the whole program.

This program has two modes,manual and automatic. Manual mode lets you explore if the router can be reset, the approximate time to reset the router and if a WPS pin that is locked becomes unlocked temporarily. If you find a locked router that you can reset the WPS locking then you can move to automatic.

The Musket Team view is to not use Beacon Flood mode and use WPA Downgrade. We have found that when the WPA down grade begins to give you a series of unable to connect to router or the router is reseting etc then the router has probably reset. In that case use the progran controls and go to reaver and check. If the router has not reset go back to mdk3 attack. The program lets you jump back and forth in seconds. Airodump-ng will eventually freeze. We think the WPA Downgrade is the best indication of router reset.

The automatic mode should only be used once you are sure that you can reset the WPS pin. In automatic mode the program runs the DDOS for the time you selected then shuts down and runs reaver. Reaver will run till it sees in the text file the WPS locked string. It then shuts down and restarts the mdk3 pages.

Sometimes the router jumps channels. This will defeat the automatic mode. You will either have to harvest WPS pins manually. When you are in manual mode there is a place in the menu that allows you to run airodump-ng and see if the router has jumped channels or sim[ply has crashed and reseting.

In the end there is no one method to reset these routers - each router reacts differently.