We provide the following warning. If you use XP to download posted files from these sites look very closely at the file that is actually loaded onto your computer. Open up your folder where you downloaded it and read the entire file name.. Look to see if it is an .exe file. Do not run this file.

Furthermore NEVER Click RUN from any of these sites, load the file and inspect it closely.
With all due respect this is a well KNOWN or should be FACT.
Most websites now are cluttered with download buttons which are not associated with the actual file (not all downloads are malware but are equally annoying and the unitiated do get caught(Once bitten Twice Shy or should be) I still get caught sometimes and I have been using the net since 95.

One possibility, as they are hosting the file, is they are paid in some way for each alternative download while some will merely produce a popup with advertising.

The moral of this is "Buyer/downloader beware(Unsure? Don't Download unless you know how to clean your machine if you make an error)
