
I got my base Kali Linux VMWare image from (https://help.offensive-security.com/...irtual-Machine) which is 2021.3 and I performed apt update and apt upgrade to install the latest packages.

I encountered this problem while interacting with reverse shells using Kali Linux. I think this is a usage problem, probably more related to bash or the terminal I am using.

My Kali Linux VM information is as follows:
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Kali
Description:    Kali GNU/Linux Rolling
Release:        2022.2
Codename:       kali-rolling
The typical way to upgrade a Python tty shell usually includes the following steps:
  • python -c "import pty;pty.spawn('/bin/bash');"
  • Ctrl + Z
  • stty raw -echo; fg (my Kali Linux image is using zsh, so I read that I had to put "fg" on the same line)
  • Enter
  • Enter
  • export TERM=xterm
  • export SHELL=bash
  • stty rows 32 cols 128

However, even with the steps, tab auto-complete and arrow keys still do not work. Pressing the arrow keys will display the escape characters (^[[A, etc). When I revert the Kali VMWare image to 2021.3, the steps work and I can use tab auto-complete and the arrow keys.

What has changed in Kali 2022.2 that now causes this change? How can I resolve this?