Hi everybody,

I?m trying to create an access point on my laptop, to connect through my laptop to another wireless network. I found a procedure online, which was working for others, but for some reason I can?t get it to work with Kali. Here?s what I did:
I booted my laptop from the latest Kali live USB version
I connected my laptop to the wireless network: connection is OK, I can connect to Google.
I opened a command shell and issued the following command to create the local access point:
sudo nmcli connection add type wifi ifname wlan0 con-name ToonRouter autoconnect yes ssid ToonRouter mode ap 802-11-wireless.mode ap ipv4.method shared
The command is successful and a nmcli con show lists the new ToonRouter connection. But for some reason, the network is not visible through WiFi. Not on the laptop itself, nor on any other device (like my phone).
Does anybody know what I can do to debug this issue? Any help is very much appreciated.

Kind regards