Hey guys, I just did a fresh install of Kali 1.0.6 64-bit into VirtualBox. Previously, I had 1.0.5 but ran apt-get update and diet-upgrade but in both conditions, airodump reports the negative 1 channel and I cannot use airplay to deauth clients from my rtl8187l device (Alfa AWUO36H v5).


root@Kali:~# airmon-ng

Interface          Chipset                    Driver

mon0               Realtek RTL8187L     rtl8187  -  [phy0]
wlan0              Realtek RTL8187L     rtl8187  -  [phy0]
It was working perfectly before 1.0.6 and I did notice that back before I did a fresh install (when I was on 1.0.5), when I ran apt-get update and apt-get upgrade it installed new wireless drivers, and I believe I saw realtek firmware in there so I think the new stuff is corrupted. Any ideas on how I can fix this? Thanks in advance!