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Thread: beginner - netdiscover parallels m1 mac

  1. #1
    Join Date

    beginner - netdiscover parallels m1 mac

    Hello, sorry for the absolutely beginner question. I am just starting in the world of Kali Linux, and I am trying to get my head around things...
    I am following some tutorials online on the simple tools to use with Kali, and I am trying to use the netdiscover command line in the terminal.
    I am unable to see any other device connected to my network except my own, I have a dummy laptop connected to do lab test but I cannot see it.
    I am running Kali Linux on a M1 MacBook Pro through parallels desktop.

    any help is hugely appreciated!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    If you are using parrallels, then you have a 'virtual ethernet' adapter to your macbook and are then using your macbooks WiFi to actually connect to your local network, so you won't 'see' any other devices with netdiscover apart from your own and any 'virtual network' adapters parralells has set up. (the virtual device cannot access the Macbooks real network)

    netdiscover uses ARP to query for MAC addresses.

    If you want to see whats connected to your network, try nmap instead. If you want to try hacking wifi or similar, you will need an external USB WiFi adapter for Kali to use.

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