if what you want to do is to connect to an AP and then share its connection on Rogue AP. you don't even have to have two wifi adapters although it will work too.

You don't have to create a bridge at all . this happened to me and I used IPTABLES and it works .

here use these commands

First create the rogue AP with airbase-ng

then setup the at0 with dhcp and the desired IP range change the ones I provided to your own and DHCPD command depending on what version you are using !

# ifconfig at0 up

# ifconfig at0 netmask

# route add -net netmask gw

# dhcpd -cf /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf -pf /var/run/dhcpd.pid at0

# iptables --table nat --append POSTROUTING --out-interface wlan0 -j MASQUERADE ( change wlan0 to wlanx that is to whatever interface you use to connect to the access )

# iptables --append FORWARD --in-interface at0 -j ACCEPT

# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

and it should work