Quote Originally Posted by muts View Post

If you have any issues with this procedure, please post them in this thread.

First I saved sensitive data in windows on an external drive. Then rebooted, poped in the iso-dvd and booted it as live.

Well inside of Kali I used gparted to resized my hdd as instucted. Saved and rebooted again.

This time I chose the graphical installation instead of live. Followed the instuctions as in the "Installation to Harddrive" with exception when it came to choosing partion as explained in "Dual booting with Windows".

The installation went fine uptil "use network mirrors" (not sure if the title is correct of that part of the installation). Here it wouldn't accept any of my choices on what mirror to use. Just returned to me as an error. So I just tried them all specific for my country and region. But still nothing. Then it hit me, maybe my wireless card was deactivated during this step. (still not sure?) Anyhow, in with the network cable and I rechose my firsthand mirror. And all continued as nothing had happend.

Later when it came to install grub. The installation prompted me and asked if any or all of my existing installed OS was present above: "Windows(vista loader), Windows(vista loader), and Windows(vista loader)". I think I didn't read carefully enough on this part and thought these name are surely correct. Everything else had been pretty much preset in the installation. Then the installation was complete and I was prompted to reboot. So I did.

Well booted up in grub these options were available to me: (Please note that I only have one Windows 7 installation)

*kali recovery
*windows (vista loader)
*windows (vista loader)
*windows (vista loader)

Ok, let's bring up windows I said to myself. I chose to top windows loader and : BLUE SCREEN. Small freakout and a automated reboot. I chose the second one and BS. Bigger freakout! Tried the third one and was presented with recovery. Hugely relieved. I chose the fix startup and 15 minutes later windows booted perfectly from the first loader option. Then rebooted and logged into kali, perfect boot.

So to sum up I now have three windows loaders: one for normal boot, second=beats me and third=recovery. I tried to change the name of the loaders in grub.cfg beacuse the it doesn't seemed to have a menu.lst but after reboot the change wouldn't be present. Still reading into how to fix the names and what the second windows loader is? But this was my story on troubles installing Kali. Hope it helps someone, and sorry it became longer then originally planned.

-Try screaming now and again, it will make people leave you alone. Best regards Jake