Originally Posted by
Anybody know if wireless is unactive during mirror setting stage? And Any suggestions on how to fix grub. Rename the options. Is the problem so simple as there is a backup of grub-cfg that I need to remove after editing the file. Also I updated grub after editing the cfg.
Jake, to my knowledge 99% of operating systems INCLUDING Win 7, don't support wireless networking when installing the OS (Win 7 might but it's been awhile so I cannot confirm), however; I do know it's great practice to have WAN disabled during OS install as it's not 100% reliable. It's hardwire or bust on that normally...You are correct in your understanding of why you couldn't reach the mirrors first go-around, it was because you weren't on the network.
As for the deal with your Grub loader....Each one of those "Loaders" you have, means there is some kind of MBR there for either an Operating System or One that was there, MBR's rarely get deleted. Grub detected them and took note of them, so instead of setting you up with a dual boot system, it kind of gave you the ability to have a quadruple boot. There is great commercial software that lets you fix and clean that **** up. I use it at my work, it's called "EasyBCD" URL: http://neosmart.net/EasyBCD/ It literally let's you arrange MBR's for all OS's like they were smarties to be eaten. You can clean up the MBR's, rename them, move them to different HD's etc... That's just what I use personally, take it with a grain of salt.
Funny Fact: Win 7 by default installs the MBR to the first "Hard Drive" listed in your BIOS and installs the Operating System wherever you told it too. I recently had to use Easy BCD to move my MBR to my SSD where my Win 7 OS was, because during Kali installation Grub pointed out to me that it was on my Sata III 500 GB Storage HD. Glad, I didn't decide to reformat that drive during the past year I've had my PC. Silly M$.
Last edited by g0tmi1k; 2013-09-15 at 08:36.
Reason: Remove foul language
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